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Have you ever found yourself in a new place with no idea how to find what you need – a doorway, a rest room or a subway entrance? Are there places in your own neighborhood you know nothing about? Would you like deliveries and other services to have better information? Wouldn’t you like to know a new place like a local?


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Who knows places better than the people who go there every day? What places do you know well? Share your inside information and earn rewards. Rate the information you find on TipTags and earn rewards. Help others and help yourself!


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Know a fantastic picnic spot, share it! Know a back alley you should never go down, let people know! Meeting your friends at a football game or concert, share a tag and connect!


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TipTags was created so you can know a new place as well as a local, and so you can help others know your favorite places. Create messages with text, photos, video and links and drop them on the exact spot you are talking about. Visit new places virtually before you go. Earn rewards by creating great advice, and rating the advice of others. I want you to be safe, connected and have fun using TipTags.

Tim Roberts


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